Monday, January 18, 2010

Where to start?........

Well, here it is the 18th day of the new year. I have been putting this off, hemhawing around it, thinking of ways to continue moving forward with the way things are going, but I have to (MUST) get serious and get organized!!!! So I am going to try and keep a daily blog of how I am doing at this. (If anyone knows me, they will tell you that being organized is a VERY LONG STRETCH for me) Just this morning, I spent 15 minutes looking for my ATM card before finally finding it! And Sunday I couldn't tell you where my drivers liscense was...ALL DAY! But both have been found. But this is not the only area I plan on working on...... weekly menus, shopping lists (and sticking to it) cleaning, staying on top of the laundry to name a few. So I plan on getting organized and going to blog about it to.

In all fairness to me, I am going to start fresh on this coming Sunday. (But I am going to gradually get stuff in order at night this week) One of my biggest challenges is not trying to jump to far ahead in the beginning, I do have to remember that I work full time outside of my home and I have a very active 14 year old daughter, and it is basketball season right now, and will be moving into track season. But I know that once, I get all in place our life (Family life) will be so much more productive. Wow, wait til my husband and daughter see what lays ahead! (They will be actively involved in this process also.

So I am off. I want to read a few minutes before I must go to sleep to start my day all over again.

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