Monday, May 24, 2010

The beginning of the week....

Well, I have made thru yet another Monday. I got up went to work and I left work around 11 am, to pick Cassidy up from school, so she could get home and finish her English exam writing and take it back to school, so she wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow. She did it!!! Yea Cassidy :-)

There is just one more day left to this school year. And what a challenging year 8th grade has been for all of us. I am so hoping that next year goes better. This summer we are going to get on a schedule and stick to it!!! Stick to it I say!!!!!!

Cassidy is going to read 2 books this summer and both Cassidy & I are going to do a daily journal. We are going together, pick a day which we will exchange them and read what each other has written. I so hope this will help Cassidy over all.....

Well, I need to get ready for bed. And I will work on getting myself together with this blogging....

** We are going to start on daily journal writing on June 1st. And the 1st topic will be.... "What would be my dream summer"

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Looks who is back..........

Hello Blogville.......

This is just a fast short note, to say I am still around. But as you can see above, a litttle blue blinking "training" box.. Yes, I am training to walk 60 miles in 3 days! Yes, you heard that correct. October 29,30,31, 2010, I am going to walk 60 miles with my sister n law-Debra, my sister Dianne and about 2000 other men & women. We are walking for the Susan G. Koemen Breast cancer.... So, we have to do some serious walking before October 29.... you just can't wake up on the 29th and go "I think I am going to walk about 20 miles today" and then sleep in a tent and get up and do it again!!!!!

So I will keep you posted... But you can also go to the susangkoemen3dayforthecure website and look up "boonesboobs", I am doing a litttle blog on there. Also, you can make a donation, I have to raise $2300 for the walk. So go check us out.

Happy Tuesday night!
