Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today was just another typical Saturday. I planned on getting up and cleaning and doing laundry. I thought I might even get someone to put all my boxes of Christmas decorations up in the attic. Well, guess what................. I only did 3 loads of laundry and the Christmas decorations are still in the dining room. WHY OH WHY????? Let us see why that might be....................

Shawn had to go into work for a couple of hours and I thought perfect, I can get some stuff done. (Cassidy had gone to her dad's for the weekend). So I woke up and got out of bed around 8:30 am (which is later than normally, but I was tired!) I had a bowl of cereal. I did start the blankets from the bed in the washer. After I started that load in the washer, I figured I had better run to the store and get some more laundry detergent, so while I cleaned I could keep the laundry going. So, off I go to Walmart. ~It didn't turn into a very fast trip~. But I was back at the house about 10 am and Shawn called and said, I should probably go with him to meet Mario in Daytona for lunch. (Mario & him are trying to figure out ideas for starting a business together), so I take a shower and get ready. We then leave for lunch in Daytona. and from Daytona we head straight to Cassidy's basketball game at 4:00 pm. But after the game, we still don't go home. Off to the movie with my parents to see "The King's Speech". ~I thought was a very good movie~ I do believe God knew what he was doing when he gave me only 1 child and I wasn't born into a royal family~ But that is a good story for another day!!!! :-)

So we finally have returned home, and everything is still sitting right where I left them. The cleaning fairy never showed up.. So I might sit up a little longer and fold some laundry. (Where does all of these clothes come from, there are only 3 of us that live here.............and I swear the laundry is NEVER DONE!!!!)

So good evening and Happy Washing to all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Well, I finally finished this book tonight. I have no idea why it took me so long to get it done. I didn't think it was all that wonderful, but it certainly was an eye opener to your life and all the "What ifs" We all know that when we get married, have jobs, babies, you sometimes might lose "You" in all of this. Well, Jillian managed to go back in time 7 years and during this time, she is beginning to see that her life is really good and she is where she is suppose to be. I believe that we are where we arre today because of the choses we make. I truly am very happy with my life. My husband, my daughter, my parents, my sister, and of course my brother. I am having the time of my life!!!!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday!