Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today was just another typical Saturday. I planned on getting up and cleaning and doing laundry. I thought I might even get someone to put all my boxes of Christmas decorations up in the attic. Well, guess what................. I only did 3 loads of laundry and the Christmas decorations are still in the dining room. WHY OH WHY????? Let us see why that might be....................

Shawn had to go into work for a couple of hours and I thought perfect, I can get some stuff done. (Cassidy had gone to her dad's for the weekend). So I woke up and got out of bed around 8:30 am (which is later than normally, but I was tired!) I had a bowl of cereal. I did start the blankets from the bed in the washer. After I started that load in the washer, I figured I had better run to the store and get some more laundry detergent, so while I cleaned I could keep the laundry going. So, off I go to Walmart. ~It didn't turn into a very fast trip~. But I was back at the house about 10 am and Shawn called and said, I should probably go with him to meet Mario in Daytona for lunch. (Mario & him are trying to figure out ideas for starting a business together), so I take a shower and get ready. We then leave for lunch in Daytona. and from Daytona we head straight to Cassidy's basketball game at 4:00 pm. But after the game, we still don't go home. Off to the movie with my parents to see "The King's Speech". ~I thought was a very good movie~ I do believe God knew what he was doing when he gave me only 1 child and I wasn't born into a royal family~ But that is a good story for another day!!!! :-)

So we finally have returned home, and everything is still sitting right where I left them. The cleaning fairy never showed up.. So I might sit up a little longer and fold some laundry. (Where does all of these clothes come from, there are only 3 of us that live here.............and I swear the laundry is NEVER DONE!!!!)

So good evening and Happy Washing to all!

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