Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday February 16, 2010

Ok, well here it is the 16th of February and I still haven't gotten my self together. I know, I know I was going to do this, I was going to do that......well, of course I have come up with all kinds of reasons not to. So I must get myself together and start moving forward with this.

So, I am going to start now.. Saturday is my mom's birthday and I am trying to find a good duck receipe to make her. I want to do the Julia Child's receipe from the cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking but looking at the receipe flipping back and forth thru the pages, I have no idea where to begin. So I need get serious and figure out how to do it. (Plus can you even find a duck to cook in February in florida??? My nan used to make it for my mom on her birthday, so it was possible at one time to find a duck! So I am on a mission... duck hunting.....

So I am off to get some stuff going.... laundry, scheduling, and watching some of the olympics. (that is a whole 'nother story)

Happy Tuesday!

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