Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do.......

Well, we have "sprung" forward...... I can only wish that we could stay with either time.. Why is it that just when you get used to one time it is time to change again? Why can't we just chose one and keep it! Here it is 935 pm on Monday night and it feels like it is only 835 pm..

I guess I need to update on the what is happening. This past Saturday, my dad, Shawn and myself took off on a 11.7 mile walk from Mt. Dora (our house) to the Cracker Barrel in Leesburg. Half way thru this walk, I was so wanting to quit! But I kept on trucking. (Plus my dad and Shawn were still walking and not complaining or mentioning that they want to stop.. So on we went) In October I am going to walk 60 miles in 3 days for the Susan G. Koeman for Breast Cancer, so I have to start training for this. (Since my surgery on my foot in December, I havent done much.)
So off we go.

(my computer is going to die, so I need to close this for tonight, and I will get back on track on this blog)

Happy Monday Night!!! :-)

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