Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Georgia Trip Dec 2010

This is the 2nd year in a row we have come to the Georgia house after Christmas. But this year, there is a whole bunch of snow. My mom and I left on Monday December 27 around 9 am with 5 kids in tow and 2 cars. We made a pit stop at my sister n law's house outside of Macon GA. While inside the house, my mom asked the girls to please go turn on the truck so JC (my mom's dog) wouldn't freeze. Well, they didn't turn the truck on, they just turned the key and stopped once the heat came on. And guess what happened? You got it, the battery DIED! So Carla came out and helped jump Graymo's truck off and then we begin our venture the rest of the way to Blairsville. But we made a pitstop in Jackson, GA at an Autozone and got a new battery, ate dinner at Pizza Hut. We finally arrived at Cozy Cove Road at around midnight. Snow, Snow everywhere and a lot of it. We had to park at the end of the driveway, because we couldn't drive in the drive. Got inside, made a fire in the fireplace and went to bed.

All 5 of the kids were very excited to see snow! This was PJ's (a friend of Travis) very first time to see snow. He was a little concerned that in the morning it would all be melted. I assured him the snow was not going to be going anywhere!!!! We can only hope no more comes down while we are here.

Happy Holiday!

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