Thursday, July 29, 2010


Vacation: -a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation. - a period of exemption from work granted to an employee. And my favorite - FREEDOM.

We left Florida as soon as we picked Shawn up from work in Orlando and headed straight to the mountains. (My parents home away from home in Blairsville, GA). We arrived in the wee hours of the morning. But I wanted to be here to start our "freedom" from every day life as soon as possible.

On Saturday and Sunday we kind of just hung out and went driving around the area. Monday, we left and headed to Gatlinburg, TN to spend 2 days in the area. We wandered around Gatlinburg ( I love this town!) and on Tuesday we went to Dollywood. Great fun was had by us!!!! Then on Tuesday we headed to Knoxville, TN for the tour of the University of Tennessee. (Cassidy has talked for a few years now, this is where she wants to go to college.) So we started the college tours, by U of T being our first one. ( Wow, that was exciting, even if it was U of T...wish I would of gone to college)

Now we are back in Blairsville to finish our week here with some tubing and relaxing before we get up early early am on Saturday to head back home! (Back to the real world... no more freedom to get up when we want, go where we want, when we want! I could so get use to this life, but I guess unless I win the lottery or someone leaves us a boat load of money, I must go back to work, to make money so we can do this again..... so I guess this is probably why you really only get so many weeks of vacation a year, because we all really can't afford on going vacation time, even if we really want to just stay on vacation..... maybe one day.

Happy Summer VAcaiton!

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