Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Favorite sport--to watch or play and why (journal writing for Monday June 7)

My fave sport........ Well, first off playing sports has never really been my thing. I was never athlectic growing up. I am now getting into running 5K's. Hope to maybe one day run a marathon, but the jury is still out on that. But I am having fun running these 5K's.

I love to go to Nascar races (or any car races for that matter). The sound, the smell, the speed. I always wanted to be a race car driver, but never was meant to be, I guess. But being at the track, is such feeling.....

I love to watch Cassidy play basketball. I was never a really big fan of basketball, but since Cassidy started playing basketball about 5 years ago, I have really gotten into it. And next year she is moving to varsity in high school. Should be lots of fun!!!!!

Happy Monday!

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