Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sunday.......goals for upcoming week (journal for June 6)

Well, another weekend come and gone. Back to the real world tomorrow. I so wish, Monday was another Sunday. But then, I guess when Tuesday rolled around we would want it to be Monday again! What a vicious cycle!!!!

Well, this week what do I hope to get accomplished........ Cassidy has baskeball practice and camp everyday but Friday.. So my wonderful mother is going to take her and pick her up from all of this... BB practice is from 8 am - 10 am, and then BB camp at school starts at noon and goes til 6 pm. I am so lucky that my mom lives close by and doesn't have to report to work (like most of us have to do everyday) ---I am not AT ALL SAYING that what my mom does isn't work, or is any less important, but it does make it a little easier when your schedule Monday - Friday is yours to make, and can work everything you need to do around that. Unlike having to be at work Monday - Friday at 730 am and work until 430- 500 pm..... I have been so lucky to have my mom close by all these years (and I am not sure she really knows how much I do appreciate her... I tell her very often). My mom has been a true blessing for me. And of course, the time is getting closer that my dad wants to retire, and of course they will be moving away, but Cassidy is almost 16.... ( 1 1/2 years away) so she will be able to get herself places then too! I love my mom!!!!! Ok, I think I have gotten off the path of my goals for the week....

-Cassidy has a dentist appointment on Wednesday to get a filling.... she has never had a cavity before, so I guess we have been pretty lucky in that arena.

-Other than work, I think that pretty much sums up my week. Or so I hope so at this time.

Have a great week!!

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