Thursday, June 3, 2010

"What makes You happy"

Wow, What makes me Happy? Well, there is a lot that makes me happy. But I will only list a few and tell you why they make me happy.

First, would be my family- my husband, daughter, mom and dad, sister and brother. I love spending time with all of them. Since my sister has moved to Colorado, so time spent with her isn't as often has it has been in the past. And of course, my brother is living in Oklahoma at this time But my parents are still close by (their house is on the market for sale, and then they will eventually be movning to, everyone is moving away) I love spending time with my husband and daughter. Going to the movies, beach, or riding roller coaster with Cassidy. hanging with Shawn spending quiet time just being with him! When I am with my family I am HAPPY!!!!

Second, I love a good book. I am happy curled up on the couch, or in bed or taking a nice warm bubble bath reading a good book!!!

Third, I love a good movie. I love happy endings. I even love a movie that will make you cry. Sometimes you just need a good cry!!

I am very happy with my life. And I wouldn't trade anything!

Happy Thoughts!

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