Thursday, June 3, 2010

Journal Writing

Ok, it is now June 3rd, so I am 2 days behind in typing this. But Cassidy & I started on June 1st writing in a daily journal. For everyday of this month we have a title page to write about. We will be doing this also for the month of July. And then on August 1st, we will be switching journals to read what each other wrote over the summer. I decided to this because I thought it would be a good way to maybe learn more about each other and also, to maybe somehow get Cassidy (and myself in writing daily). You never know, one day we really might enjoy reading these. So I am going to give it a shot, to typing mine on my blog here and also in my little notebook that I got just for this summer project that we are going to do.

So I am off and writing!


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