Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday (journal writing for June 5th)

Where has the time gone. We are already half way thru the year! School is out, summer heat has arrived (well, in Florida, it has just returned to full swing) and Hurricane season is offically underway.......... I wish everyday was Saturday. The day where you have things you really need to do, but you don't really want to.. You have no where to be, no one to see, and if you want to you can spend the whole day in your jammies.. I would love to take the whole day and do nothing but lay under a big tree, maybe by a lake, in a cool breeze and read a really good book. (Ok, if you were to ask my husband and daughter, other than the tree being added to the picture, I already do nothing but read books!!!) Summertime with my family is what I enjoy the most, plus a good book or 2 (or maybe 3)

Happy Saturday!

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