Thursday, June 3, 2010

"What my dream summer would be be" **this is my posting for June 1st**

My dream summer would be to take the whole summer off (June & July) from work, rent a motorhome and travel across the United States. Go to places we have never been before. Travel on roads that are not traveled often. Stay off the interstates if you can! Visits cities and towns, that are off the beaten path and have something interesting to offer.
Just pile everyone up and off we go! We could probably take Marley, but we have to have him loaded up with medicine so he could ride in the motorhome!
How much fun would that be? I am sure that there would be lots of laughing, maybe some yelling--after all that is close quarters for many weeks! But I am sure it will bring us closer as a family! Who knows, maybe one day we can do this, before everyone gets to old!
Happy Summer days!!!!!

Happy Summer Traveling :-)

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