Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What is my fave movie & why....... (for June 4)

First off, I am really slacking on my journaling for the month.... this is for Friday June 4........

My favorite movie probably would be "Urban Cowboy" with John Travolta and Debra Winger. I really don't have any idea why, other than I really like John Travolta. Men in wranglers! Country music...... I could watch this movie over and over again! And I have.. my favorite line from the movie is.... "Sissy did he hit you......?" Bud and Sissy.... love it!!!! love it!!!!!!

My second favorite movie would be "An Officer and a Gentlemen" with Richard Gere and again Debra Winger. There is just something about a man in uniform! And I love the end where Zach (RG) comes into the factory and carries Paula (DW) out and everyone is chanting "GO Paula".

So my two favorite movies I could watch over and over again are "Urban Cowboy" and "An officer and a gentlemen" Love them!!!! I guess I am just a true romantic at heart :-)

Happy Movie Watching!

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