Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today was just another typical Saturday. I planned on getting up and cleaning and doing laundry. I thought I might even get someone to put all my boxes of Christmas decorations up in the attic. Well, guess what................. I only did 3 loads of laundry and the Christmas decorations are still in the dining room. WHY OH WHY????? Let us see why that might be....................

Shawn had to go into work for a couple of hours and I thought perfect, I can get some stuff done. (Cassidy had gone to her dad's for the weekend). So I woke up and got out of bed around 8:30 am (which is later than normally, but I was tired!) I had a bowl of cereal. I did start the blankets from the bed in the washer. After I started that load in the washer, I figured I had better run to the store and get some more laundry detergent, so while I cleaned I could keep the laundry going. So, off I go to Walmart. ~It didn't turn into a very fast trip~. But I was back at the house about 10 am and Shawn called and said, I should probably go with him to meet Mario in Daytona for lunch. (Mario & him are trying to figure out ideas for starting a business together), so I take a shower and get ready. We then leave for lunch in Daytona. and from Daytona we head straight to Cassidy's basketball game at 4:00 pm. But after the game, we still don't go home. Off to the movie with my parents to see "The King's Speech". ~I thought was a very good movie~ I do believe God knew what he was doing when he gave me only 1 child and I wasn't born into a royal family~ But that is a good story for another day!!!! :-)

So we finally have returned home, and everything is still sitting right where I left them. The cleaning fairy never showed up.. So I might sit up a little longer and fold some laundry. (Where does all of these clothes come from, there are only 3 of us that live here.............and I swear the laundry is NEVER DONE!!!!)

So good evening and Happy Washing to all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Well, I finally finished this book tonight. I have no idea why it took me so long to get it done. I didn't think it was all that wonderful, but it certainly was an eye opener to your life and all the "What ifs" We all know that when we get married, have jobs, babies, you sometimes might lose "You" in all of this. Well, Jillian managed to go back in time 7 years and during this time, she is beginning to see that her life is really good and she is where she is suppose to be. I believe that we are where we arre today because of the choses we make. I truly am very happy with my life. My husband, my daughter, my parents, my sister, and of course my brother. I am having the time of my life!!!!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Georgia Trip Dec 2010

This is the 2nd year in a row we have come to the Georgia house after Christmas. But this year, there is a whole bunch of snow. My mom and I left on Monday December 27 around 9 am with 5 kids in tow and 2 cars. We made a pit stop at my sister n law's house outside of Macon GA. While inside the house, my mom asked the girls to please go turn on the truck so JC (my mom's dog) wouldn't freeze. Well, they didn't turn the truck on, they just turned the key and stopped once the heat came on. And guess what happened? You got it, the battery DIED! So Carla came out and helped jump Graymo's truck off and then we begin our venture the rest of the way to Blairsville. But we made a pitstop in Jackson, GA at an Autozone and got a new battery, ate dinner at Pizza Hut. We finally arrived at Cozy Cove Road at around midnight. Snow, Snow everywhere and a lot of it. We had to park at the end of the driveway, because we couldn't drive in the drive. Got inside, made a fire in the fireplace and went to bed.

All 5 of the kids were very excited to see snow! This was PJ's (a friend of Travis) very first time to see snow. He was a little concerned that in the morning it would all be melted. I assured him the snow was not going to be going anywhere!!!! We can only hope no more comes down while we are here.

Happy Holiday!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Vacation: -a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation. - a period of exemption from work granted to an employee. And my favorite - FREEDOM.

We left Florida as soon as we picked Shawn up from work in Orlando and headed straight to the mountains. (My parents home away from home in Blairsville, GA). We arrived in the wee hours of the morning. But I wanted to be here to start our "freedom" from every day life as soon as possible.

On Saturday and Sunday we kind of just hung out and went driving around the area. Monday, we left and headed to Gatlinburg, TN to spend 2 days in the area. We wandered around Gatlinburg ( I love this town!) and on Tuesday we went to Dollywood. Great fun was had by us!!!! Then on Tuesday we headed to Knoxville, TN for the tour of the University of Tennessee. (Cassidy has talked for a few years now, this is where she wants to go to college.) So we started the college tours, by U of T being our first one. ( Wow, that was exciting, even if it was U of T...wish I would of gone to college)

Now we are back in Blairsville to finish our week here with some tubing and relaxing before we get up early early am on Saturday to head back home! (Back to the real world... no more freedom to get up when we want, go where we want, when we want! I could so get use to this life, but I guess unless I win the lottery or someone leaves us a boat load of money, I must go back to work, to make money so we can do this again..... so I guess this is probably why you really only get so many weeks of vacation a year, because we all really can't afford on going vacation time, even if we really want to just stay on vacation..... maybe one day.

Happy Summer VAcaiton!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Favorite sport--to watch or play and why (journal writing for Monday June 7)

My fave sport........ Well, first off playing sports has never really been my thing. I was never athlectic growing up. I am now getting into running 5K's. Hope to maybe one day run a marathon, but the jury is still out on that. But I am having fun running these 5K's.

I love to go to Nascar races (or any car races for that matter). The sound, the smell, the speed. I always wanted to be a race car driver, but never was meant to be, I guess. But being at the track, is such feeling.....

I love to watch Cassidy play basketball. I was never a really big fan of basketball, but since Cassidy started playing basketball about 5 years ago, I have really gotten into it. And next year she is moving to varsity in high school. Should be lots of fun!!!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday.......goals for upcoming week (journal for June 6)

Well, another weekend come and gone. Back to the real world tomorrow. I so wish, Monday was another Sunday. But then, I guess when Tuesday rolled around we would want it to be Monday again! What a vicious cycle!!!!

Well, this week what do I hope to get accomplished........ Cassidy has baskeball practice and camp everyday but Friday.. So my wonderful mother is going to take her and pick her up from all of this... BB practice is from 8 am - 10 am, and then BB camp at school starts at noon and goes til 6 pm. I am so lucky that my mom lives close by and doesn't have to report to work (like most of us have to do everyday) ---I am not AT ALL SAYING that what my mom does isn't work, or is any less important, but it does make it a little easier when your schedule Monday - Friday is yours to make, and can work everything you need to do around that. Unlike having to be at work Monday - Friday at 730 am and work until 430- 500 pm..... I have been so lucky to have my mom close by all these years (and I am not sure she really knows how much I do appreciate her... I tell her very often). My mom has been a true blessing for me. And of course, the time is getting closer that my dad wants to retire, and of course they will be moving away, but Cassidy is almost 16.... ( 1 1/2 years away) so she will be able to get herself places then too! I love my mom!!!!! Ok, I think I have gotten off the path of my goals for the week....

-Cassidy has a dentist appointment on Wednesday to get a filling.... she has never had a cavity before, so I guess we have been pretty lucky in that arena.

-Other than work, I think that pretty much sums up my week. Or so I hope so at this time.

Have a great week!!

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday (journal writing for June 5th)

Where has the time gone. We are already half way thru the year! School is out, summer heat has arrived (well, in Florida, it has just returned to full swing) and Hurricane season is offically underway.......... I wish everyday was Saturday. The day where you have things you really need to do, but you don't really want to.. You have no where to be, no one to see, and if you want to you can spend the whole day in your jammies.. I would love to take the whole day and do nothing but lay under a big tree, maybe by a lake, in a cool breeze and read a really good book. (Ok, if you were to ask my husband and daughter, other than the tree being added to the picture, I already do nothing but read books!!!) Summertime with my family is what I enjoy the most, plus a good book or 2 (or maybe 3)

Happy Saturday!