Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Favorite sport--to watch or play and why (journal writing for Monday June 7)

My fave sport........ Well, first off playing sports has never really been my thing. I was never athlectic growing up. I am now getting into running 5K's. Hope to maybe one day run a marathon, but the jury is still out on that. But I am having fun running these 5K's.

I love to go to Nascar races (or any car races for that matter). The sound, the smell, the speed. I always wanted to be a race car driver, but never was meant to be, I guess. But being at the track, is such feeling.....

I love to watch Cassidy play basketball. I was never a really big fan of basketball, but since Cassidy started playing basketball about 5 years ago, I have really gotten into it. And next year she is moving to varsity in high school. Should be lots of fun!!!!!

Happy Monday!

Sunday.......goals for upcoming week (journal for June 6)

Well, another weekend come and gone. Back to the real world tomorrow. I so wish, Monday was another Sunday. But then, I guess when Tuesday rolled around we would want it to be Monday again! What a vicious cycle!!!!

Well, this week what do I hope to get accomplished........ Cassidy has baskeball practice and camp everyday but Friday.. So my wonderful mother is going to take her and pick her up from all of this... BB practice is from 8 am - 10 am, and then BB camp at school starts at noon and goes til 6 pm. I am so lucky that my mom lives close by and doesn't have to report to work (like most of us have to do everyday) ---I am not AT ALL SAYING that what my mom does isn't work, or is any less important, but it does make it a little easier when your schedule Monday - Friday is yours to make, and can work everything you need to do around that. Unlike having to be at work Monday - Friday at 730 am and work until 430- 500 pm..... I have been so lucky to have my mom close by all these years (and I am not sure she really knows how much I do appreciate her... I tell her very often). My mom has been a true blessing for me. And of course, the time is getting closer that my dad wants to retire, and of course they will be moving away, but Cassidy is almost 16.... ( 1 1/2 years away) so she will be able to get herself places then too! I love my mom!!!!! Ok, I think I have gotten off the path of my goals for the week....

-Cassidy has a dentist appointment on Wednesday to get a filling.... she has never had a cavity before, so I guess we have been pretty lucky in that arena.

-Other than work, I think that pretty much sums up my week. Or so I hope so at this time.

Have a great week!!

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday (journal writing for June 5th)

Where has the time gone. We are already half way thru the year! School is out, summer heat has arrived (well, in Florida, it has just returned to full swing) and Hurricane season is offically underway.......... I wish everyday was Saturday. The day where you have things you really need to do, but you don't really want to.. You have no where to be, no one to see, and if you want to you can spend the whole day in your jammies.. I would love to take the whole day and do nothing but lay under a big tree, maybe by a lake, in a cool breeze and read a really good book. (Ok, if you were to ask my husband and daughter, other than the tree being added to the picture, I already do nothing but read books!!!) Summertime with my family is what I enjoy the most, plus a good book or 2 (or maybe 3)

Happy Saturday!

What is my fave movie & why....... (for June 4)

First off, I am really slacking on my journaling for the month.... this is for Friday June 4........

My favorite movie probably would be "Urban Cowboy" with John Travolta and Debra Winger. I really don't have any idea why, other than I really like John Travolta. Men in wranglers! Country music...... I could watch this movie over and over again! And I have.. my favorite line from the movie is.... "Sissy did he hit you......?" Bud and Sissy.... love it!!!! love it!!!!!!

My second favorite movie would be "An Officer and a Gentlemen" with Richard Gere and again Debra Winger. There is just something about a man in uniform! And I love the end where Zach (RG) comes into the factory and carries Paula (DW) out and everyone is chanting "GO Paula".

So my two favorite movies I could watch over and over again are "Urban Cowboy" and "An officer and a gentlemen" Love them!!!! I guess I am just a true romantic at heart :-)

Happy Movie Watching!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"What makes You happy"

Wow, What makes me Happy? Well, there is a lot that makes me happy. But I will only list a few and tell you why they make me happy.

First, would be my family- my husband, daughter, mom and dad, sister and brother. I love spending time with all of them. Since my sister has moved to Colorado, so time spent with her isn't as often has it has been in the past. And of course, my brother is living in Oklahoma at this time But my parents are still close by (their house is on the market for sale, and then they will eventually be movning to, everyone is moving away) I love spending time with my husband and daughter. Going to the movies, beach, or riding roller coaster with Cassidy. hanging with Shawn spending quiet time just being with him! When I am with my family I am HAPPY!!!!

Second, I love a good book. I am happy curled up on the couch, or in bed or taking a nice warm bubble bath reading a good book!!!

Third, I love a good movie. I love happy endings. I even love a movie that will make you cry. Sometimes you just need a good cry!!

I am very happy with my life. And I wouldn't trade anything!

Happy Thoughts!

"Color-Blue" (posting for Wednesday June 2)

Blue----what do I think of when I see the color "BLUE"

*The color of my daughter's eyes the first time I saw her
*The color of my dad's eyes.
*The color of my Big Grandma's eyes
*The big blue ocean
*The sky that goes forever in Montana
*The blue football field for the college (I think it is Idaho) now that is blue!!!
*Growing up, people would ask me if my eyes were real. (they are blue) Of course, I said they are my eyes and they are real!!!!
*The bedroom at my nan's when I was growing up
*Brand new baby boys!

These are just a few things that I think of when I see the color blue! So I guess, Blue would be considered my happy color!

"What my dream summer would be be" **this is my posting for June 1st**

My dream summer would be to take the whole summer off (June & July) from work, rent a motorhome and travel across the United States. Go to places we have never been before. Travel on roads that are not traveled often. Stay off the interstates if you can! Visits cities and towns, that are off the beaten path and have something interesting to offer.
Just pile everyone up and off we go! We could probably take Marley, but we have to have him loaded up with medicine so he could ride in the motorhome!
How much fun would that be? I am sure that there would be lots of laughing, maybe some yelling--after all that is close quarters for many weeks! But I am sure it will bring us closer as a family! Who knows, maybe one day we can do this, before everyone gets to old!
Happy Summer days!!!!!

Happy Summer Traveling :-)

Journal Writing

Ok, it is now June 3rd, so I am 2 days behind in typing this. But Cassidy & I started on June 1st writing in a daily journal. For everyday of this month we have a title page to write about. We will be doing this also for the month of July. And then on August 1st, we will be switching journals to read what each other wrote over the summer. I decided to this because I thought it would be a good way to maybe learn more about each other and also, to maybe somehow get Cassidy (and myself in writing daily). You never know, one day we really might enjoy reading these. So I am going to give it a shot, to typing mine on my blog here and also in my little notebook that I got just for this summer project that we are going to do.

So I am off and writing!
